[Interest] Windows application runs with console window

Igor Mironchik igor.mironchik at gmail.com
Sat Sep 7 09:17:03 CEST 2013

> I write an application.
> The common definitions in the project file are:
> TARGET= application
> QT += core gui network sql widgets
> CONFIG+= windows
> But when I run application I see the console (command prompt) window 
> within my application. Why?
> I use Qt 5.1.0,MSVC2012, Windows 7.

I have found the problem.

In my project file there was such lines:

debug {
     QT += testlib

When I've removed that lines command prompt window disappear.

I've tried to change that lines to:

CONFIG(debug) {
     QT += testlib

But it doesn't help me. What is the problem? Thanks.

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