[Interest] Advantage of Qt5 over Qt4 for C++/Widgets

Syam Krishnan syamcr at gmail.com
Fri Sep 13 16:44:44 CEST 2013


   We've been use Qt4 to create desktop applications on Linux written in 

My requirements:
1. Need best possible performance from Qt - we always use C++ for coding
2. Not interested in coding application logic in Javascript
3. Have not tried QML for GUI, probably do not prefer to use Javascript 
to program user interactions
4. Would like to have our C++ applications support scripting by using 
Javascript (and be good at it - V8?)

My question is: does Qt5 provide any advantages for such a use-case? Are 
we better off sticking with Qt 4.8?

I'm asking because on one hand I hear that 'Widgets', as you call in Qt5 
is 'done' and so we can't expect any further improvements on that. On 
the other hand, I hear there are performance improvements in the 
underlying components like QStrings.

So, can somebody please throw some light on this..



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