[Interest] Shift+Tab Shortcut
Daniel Otto Bolognani
daniel.bolognani at totvs.com.br
Fri Sep 20 21:13:41 CEST 2013
Hello list!
We ported our software from QT3 Support to Pure QT4 and now we are facing some different behaviour on the shortcuts, we have managed almost all of the problems, unless the Shift+Tab shortcut that we need to intercept.
When it was Qt3 Support we had this:
Q3Action *q3act = new Q3Action(this);
QKeySequence *ks = new QKeySequence(Qt::Key_Backtab);
And when pressed, the SLOT keypress was called and everything was working like it should.
To port to QT4 we did this:
QAction *act3 = new QAction(this);
QKeySequence *ks = new QKeySequence(Qt::Key_Backtab);
All the other shortcuts worked unless the backtab (shift+tab)! We have tried to use this on the keypress event too:
void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent * e )
// Even if I test Qt::Key_Tab it doens't work either
if ((e->modifiers()==Qt::ShiftModifier && e->key() == Qt::Key_Backtab) || e->key()==Qt::Key_Backtab)
QMessageBox msgbox;
It hadn't worked either.
The only thing that resolved this was to grab the FocusOut event and test if it was a backtab reason, but in my personal opinion it is an horrible solution!
Aren't these 2 other methods supposed to work? What are we doing wrong?
Thanks in advance,
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