[Interest] Semi-OT: Was Nokia net good or bad for Qt?
guillaume.belz at free.fr
guillaume.belz at free.fr
Thu Sep 26 20:34:40 CEST 2013
In Nokia-period, Qt gained (cot complet list) :
* LGPL licence
* creating Qt Quick for best mobile support
* creating LightHouse (which become QPA) for best portability
In final, I like actual Qt. I like Qt notorious, open gouvernance, mobile
portability, future of Qt, etc.
What care about Nokia ? It's past
----- Mail original -----
> De: "Atlant Schmidt" <aschmidt at dekaresearch.com>
> À: "K. Frank" <kfrank29.c at gmail.com>, "Qt-interest" <interest at qt-project.org>
> Envoyé: Jeudi 26 Septembre 2013 20:21:47
> Objet: Re: [Interest] Semi-OT: Was Nokia net good or bad for Qt?
> Frank, et al.:
> My *OPINION* is that Nokia sucked a lot of the energy
> out of Qt as they tried to bend it into being a mobile
> platform. In the process, the desktop (and my own area
> of interest, the embedded world) was greatly forgotten.
> The only thing that saved Qt from being sucked into the
> black hole of Nokia's demise was the fact that Nokia
> finally disgorged Qt to Digia; otherwise Qt would have
> burned down with the rest of the oil platform, torched
> by Elop.
> Atlant
> -----Original Message-----
> From: interest-bounces+aschmidt=dekaresearch.com at qt-project.org
> [mailto:interest-bounces+aschmidt=dekaresearch.com at qt-project.org]
> On Behalf Of K. Frank
> Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2013 2:14 PM
> To: Qt-interest
> Subject: [Interest] Semi-OT: Was Nokia net good or bad for Qt?
> Hello List!
> This whole Elop thing got me thinking about the history of
> Qt and Nokia.
> Nothing's perfect, of course, and everything's a mixed bag,
> but, all in all, do people think Nokia's involvement with Qt
> ended up helping Qt or not?
> I started using Qt after Nokia acquired Trolltech (2008?
> 2009?) and then Nokia divested itself of Qt, if I remember
> correctly, in 2011, spinning off the commercial licensing
> to Digia. So I guess Nokia had Qt for three or four years.
> Did this "detour" (for lack of a better word) end up being
> helpful?
> Thanks.
> K. Frank
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