[Interest] QGLWidget and OGL version 4.3 functions?

Sean Harmer sh at theharmers.co.uk
Sun Sep 29 11:21:41 CEST 2013


On 27/09/2013 07:35, Thomas Meyer wrote:
> Hi,
> is it possible to render in a QGLWidget with the OGL 4.3 functions?

Yes but it is now recommended to use QWindow + QOpenGLContext for new 
code as QGLWidget will not see any further development.

> If so, how can I call the functions?

You need to get hold of the function entry points for the OpenGL 4.3 
functions. This can be done via the QOpenGLContext to get a pointer to a 
QOpenGLFunctions_4_3_Core or QOpenGLFunctions_4_3_Compatibility object 
depending upon which profile you are using.

If using a QOpenGLContext directly you can just do something like this:

QSurfaceFormat f;
f.setVersion(4, 3);

m_context = new QOpenGLContext( this );
m_context->setFormat( f );

QOpenGLFunctions_4_3_Core *funcs = 
if (!funcs) {
     qDebug() << "Could not obtain OpenGL 4.3 function entry points";

// From here you can use funcs to call any OpenGL 4.3 function

If you are using QGLWidget then instead of creating your own context as 
in the above code you can get hold of QGLWidget's context via:

QOpenGLContext *context = m_glWidget->context()->contextHandle();

then follow the above to get the QOpenGLFunctions_4_3_Core pointer. Just 
remember to ask QGLWidget to create a 4.3 context via QGLFormat 
(analogous to QSurfaceFormat above).

Hope this helps,


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