[Interest] Qt on Android

Jason H scorp1us at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 1 02:51:51 CEST 2014

Well I've stopped working on Android with Qt. Only trivial stuff works due to intricacies.See my comments at: Qt Weekly #3: Qt for Android – Tips and Tricks | Qt Blog
If you are doing fully QML and Qt C++ work, it'll probably work for you. If you are trying to use JNI and other libraries, well I can't get that working. I've got several bugs filed and once they are fixed Qt on Android will be in much better shape. I'm hoping everything I opened gets closed for 5.3.

Now that I'm doing Android SDK, I highly recommend trying Qt anyway because Android SDK is just sad. None if it is reusable, and it's a completely different paradigm Activities, Intents, Fragments... It's a mess. 

 From: Francisco Ares <frares at gmail.com>
To: Qt Project <interest at qt-project.org> 
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2014 10:26 PM
Subject: [Interest] Qt on Android

I wold like to start developing/porting some Qt applications to Androd, and wold like to know if Necessitas / Ministro is the way to go or if tere is something new.
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