[Interest] Released: JSON support for qml

Jay Sprenkle jsprenkle at gmail.com
Thu Apr 17 18:08:07 CEST 2014

Good morning all,

I've released source code for a project that may be useful for some of you.

The project provides an interface between JSON and Qt 5.x QML Model/View
ListViews. It is implemented as a QML plugin so your application can be
extended to use it without recompilation.

It consists of several parts:

   - JsonPath <https://code.google.com/p/qjsonpath/wiki/JsonPath> refactors
   and extends the C++ version of
JsonPath<https://code.google.com/p/qjsonpath/wiki/JsonPath>to make it
usable with Qt QML (version 5 or later). To reduce the number of
   dependencies this code was refactored to use the
Qt<https://code.google.com/p/qjsonpath/wiki/Qt>Json Classes.

   - QJsonPath creates a QML compatible item that allows QML/javascripted
   applications to provide JSON strings and retrieve a parsed QJsonDocument
   object. The item uses
JsonPath<https://code.google.com/p/qjsonpath/wiki/JsonPath>to extract
a subset of the JSON string as an array (XPath for JSON).

   - QJsonListModel creates a QML compatible item that implements a
   standard Qt Model from a QJsonDocument object.

Project page:


I am not affiliated with google or Qt in any way.

Jay Sprenkle
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