[Interest] QJSValue as parameter to Q_INVOKABLE

Gunnar Sletta gunnar.sletta at jolla.com
Wed Apr 30 08:27:21 CEST 2014

Your QObject needs to have Q_OBJECT in it, but aside from that that, it looks sane enough.

I've been using the same approach in  https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,72338 and it works like a charm there.


On 29 Apr 2014, at 16:03, Gav Wood <qtinterest at gavwood.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'd like to expose an API within a QJSEngine JavaScript environment
> for an asynchronous callback.
> Thus I want to expose a method "regCallback":
> foo.regCallback(function() { alert("Hello"); })
> and allow C++ to call that function at some later point. The function
> is exposed as a QJSValue, thus I'd expect a class Foo to look
> something like this:
> class Foo: public QObject
> {
> public:
>  Q_INVOKABLE void regCallback(QJSValue someFunction) { m_f = someFunction; }
>  void doCallback() { m_f.call(); }
> private:
>  QJSValue m_f;
> };
> However this doesn't work; regCallback never gets called. Is there
> some other way to achieve this API?
> Gav.
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