[Interest] Loader keyboard problem

Bo Thorsen bo at vikingsoft.eu
Thu Aug 14 09:37:43 CEST 2014

Den 13-08-2014 18:37, mark diener skrev:
> I am having some strange behavior with a Loader sample program
> for QtQuick 2.2
> Keyboard  navigation  under  OSX  Mavericks  does not work for the loader
 > ...

Hi Mark,

I have had a bunch of keyboard focus issues with Qt 5 that weren't there 
in Qt 4. Your test case is nice, small and self contained. Please submit 
it as a bug report.

In the meantime you might have success with a workaround. I have fixed 
all my focus problems with this, so maybe it works for you too.

The workaround is to create a timer and instead of taking forcus 
immediately, wait a bit. Something like this:

Item {
     id: top


     function takeFocus() {

     QtObject {
         id: internal

         Timer {
             id: focusTimer
             interval: 50
             repeat: false
             onTriggered: {
                 top.focus = true
                 console.log("Force focus to popup")


Viking Software
Qt and C++ developers for hire

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