[Interest] QML TextArea confusion

Mark Gaiser markg85 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 11 00:06:32 CET 2014

On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 11:44 PM, Jereme Lamothe
<jereme.lamothe at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 5:34 PM, Mark Gaiser <markg85 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 11:17 PM, Jereme Lamothe
>> <jereme.lamothe at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hey all. I'm writing a Qt Quick app, binding properties of various
>>> Controls to a QObject subclass that can work it's C++ magic. One such
>>> property, belonging to TextArea, is 'text'. I have a QObject subclass
>>> with a QString to store what the user types, which is accessible to
>>> QML via the Q_PROPERTY macro (with a read/write/notify).
>>> I'm finding that TextArea can successfully read the property from the
>>> QObject subclass (I've given the QString a default value for debugging
>>> purposes), but changes to the TextArea (user enters or removes text)
>>> are not written back to it. Any thoughts on what I may be doing wrong?
>>> I'm concerned I'm missing something obvious. I've created a simple
>>> example which can be found at
>>> https://github.com/ZestyMeta/Misc/tree/master/TextArea . FWIW this is
>>> w/ Qt 5.2.1
>>> P.S. I'm unclear on the etiquette for including code on mailing lists,
>>> let me know if I should add it inline in the future.
>> This will probably work.
>> Add this to your TextArea in QML:
>> onTextChanged: {
>>     TextBackend.text = text
>> }
> Cool, that does the trick. Thank you for your quick reply. Do you
> think I should submit a bug report, or did I just miss something in
> the documentation?

Nah, that's no bug.
text: "bla"

That sets the text.

I know what you see right now is the correct behavior, but i don't
know how to explain that. I hope someone else could chime in and
explain that for you :)

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