[Interest] help with c++ qml plugin

Damian Ivanov damianatorrpm at gmail.com
Tue Jan 14 09:39:02 CET 2014

Hi all,

I made a QML plugin, which gives access to X11 window's. windowlist,
active window and actions for windows like closeWindow(winID) etc.

I don't know how to properly implement the signals and slot so that
the active window and the window list gets updated (e.g a new window
appears or one is closed). Can you help me maybe with the activeWIndow

Q_PROPERTY(int activeWindow READ activeWindow WRITE setActiveWindow
NOTIFY activeWindowChanged)

activeWindow reads the actual Window, setAtiveWindow let's me change
it from .qml but I don't know how to properly implement the NOTIFY
Signal since the active window will be changed by the window manager
etc too.

Thanks in advance.


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