[Interest] Caching of compiled/initialized qml code to disk possible?

Alan Alpert 416365416c at gmail.com
Wed Jan 15 21:55:29 CET 2014

On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 6:26 AM, Ola Røer Thorsen <ola at silentwings.no> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have an application written with Qt 5.2 in C++ and QtQuick2, running on a
> low-end ARM device. I use the Loader item to select between various screens
> in the application (I've currently got 6 screens or so). This way I can
> limit the amount of active bindings at a given time, etc.
> The first time I enter a new screen, there is a very noticeable delay (1-2
> seconds), as the new items are "compiled". The next time I enter the same
> screen, the delay is much shorter. So I guess some things have been cached
> in memory.
> Would it be possible to cache this on disk, to prevent this from happening
> every single time the application is started? I'm asking for something
> pretty similar to Python's ".pyc" files.
> Is it possible, or would it be possible in some future version of Qt?

An optimization of this sort has been investigated, and while not
possible now it is possible in a future version of Qt. I just don't
know when that work will be done, so it might be a while.

Alan Alpert

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