[Interest] Qt Quick 2.0 demo failing

Bob Hood bhood2 at comcast.net
Fri Jan 17 03:24:37 CET 2014

I cloned the "qtdeclarative" repo from gitorious, and used Qt Creator 3/Qt 5.2
to build and deploy the examples/quick/demos/samegame/ example to my Samsung
Galaxy Tab 3 device (7").  While the demo runs on my Linux desktop, the device
just gives me a black screen, and the Qt Creator "Application" log tag is
putting out this (over and over):

E/libEGL  ( 4178): eglMakeCurrent:538 error 3002 (EGL_BAD_ACCESS)
W/Qt      ( 4178): eglconvenience/qeglplatformcontext.cpp:119 (virtual bool
QEGLPlatformContext::makeCurrent: eglError: 3002, this: 0x62b9df10

I tried both armv5 and armv7 with the same results.  Any help here?  Is there
some additional library I need to pull down?

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