[Interest] QtThread

Bo Thorsen bthorsen at ics.com
Mon Jan 20 12:41:33 CET 2014

Den 13-01-2014 17:05, Etienne Sandré-Chardonnal skrev:
> Thanks for the link!
> You are right, in fact only the moveToThread(this) approach should be
> really avoided.
> 2014/1/13 Sze Howe Koh <szehowe.koh at gmail.com
> <mailto:szehowe.koh at gmail.com>>
>     To balance things out, here's a direct response to Etienne's first
>     link: http://woboq.com/blog/qthread-you-were-not-doing-so-wrong.html

I have just created a suggestion in the bug tracker to make it illegal 
to do moveToThread(this):


It can't be said often enough: Don't do this! But if it was illegal 
behaviour, we wouldn't have to say it.


Bo Thorsen, European Engineering Manager, ICS
Integrated Computer Solutions. Delivering World-Class Applications

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