[Interest] How to change QFont::StyleStrategy from QML?

Alexander Ivash elderorb at gmail.com
Mon Jan 20 19:32:48 CET 2014

2014/1/20 Bo Thorsen <bthorsen at ics.com>

> Den 19-01-2014 14:49, ElderOrb skrev:
> > I have a font which is unfortunately rendered incorrectly unless
> > QFont::StyleStrategy set to QFont::NoFontMerging. This font is being
> > loaded via QML Loader and used by many QML controls. Unfortunately
> > 'QFont::NoFontMerging' is not exposed to QML so I can't change it like
> the
> > other font settings. Is there any others ways to set this flag than
> > creating my own QML wrapper over QFont and passing this QFont to all the
> > QML elements?
> This really shouldn't happen. There's a bug in either the font or the Qt
> code. You are going to have to do the workaround, unfortunately.
I suspect the bug is in the Qt code, because some other applications don't
have such an issue.

> However, it's usually a good idea to centralize things like font, colors
> etc in a style sheet like object. Then you at least only have to do this
> once.
> Whether you do this in a javascript file (remember to mark it as a
> library), a QML object or an exported C++ object, the idea is the same.
> Make a single object that has a property for each of them and bind your
> text etc to the font property.
> Bo.

I found a pretty ugly but working way to achieve what I want, but I still
have some issues.

Here is my approach:

1.) Utility class allowing to pass 'configured' font to QML

class FontProvider : public QObject
    Q_PROPERTY(QFont font READ font NOTIFY fontChanged)

    explicit FontProvider(QObject *parent = 0) : QObject(parent) {}

    QFont font() const { return mFont; }
    void setFont(const QFont &value) { mFont = value; }

    void fontChanged();

public slots:

    QFont mFont;

2.) Configure QFont and pass to QML via 'FontProvider'

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);

    QFont font("Verdana");

    FontProvider fontProvider;

    QtQuick2ApplicationViewer viewer;
    viewer.rootContext()->setContextProperty("fontProvider", &fontProvider);

    return app.exec();

3.) Use configured font in QML in the following way:

import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {
    width: 360
    height: 360

    property font smallFont: fontProvider.font
    property font bigFont: fontProvider.font

    Column {
        Text {
            font: smallFont
            text: qsTr("Hello World")

        Text {
            font: bigFont
            text: qsTr("Hello World")

    Component.onCompleted: {
        smallFont.pixelSize  = 10;
        bigFont.pixelSize  = 50;

The issue with such approach is that I need to create as many different
'pre-configured' fonts as many I need in the app.
I have only 'smallFont' and 'bigFont' in my example which is ok, but what
if I need lets say 'meduim' or 'bold' or whatever?

I tried to achieve it using the following approach:

        Text {
            font: bigFont
            font.pixelSize: 50
            font.bold: true
            text: qsTr("Hello World")

.. but unfortunately it just fails to work with the following error:
"Property has already been assigned a value
                 font.pixelSize: 50"

Am I missing something?
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