[Interest] ASR + TTS

Adnan RIHAN axel50397 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 21 23:16:54 CET 2014

Hello everybody,  

I’m looking for an ASR (Speech recognition) + TTS (Text to speech) library, but I can’t find anything cross-platform. I’ve found « Voce » (http://voce.sourceforge.net/) which would be perfect if it wasn’t depending on Java, « QtSpeech » (lynxline.com/projects/qtspeech/) which is TTS only (and is planning to add ASR, but not yet).

Do you guys have an idea? I’m trying to create a Siri like or Jarvis like system, cross-platform and embeddable, thank you for your help.
Regards, Adnan RIHAN.
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