[Interest] Fwd: Defining a string in qmake command line

Soroush Rabiei soroush.rabiei at gmail.com
Fri Jan 24 20:52:34 CET 2014

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 7:48 PM, Francisco Ares <frares at gmail.com> wrote:

> Is it really needed to enclose the string?
> What will it happens if you just do
> DEFINES += SERIAL=6b6ab0

I'm using an encryption schema based on serial codes. These codes need to
be secret and user-specific (we deliver a new compile of library for each
customer which build-id + serial number is hard-coded into binaries).
Encryption schema is a cipher block chain on AES-256 which generates key
from 32 bytes of data. That data is serial number. That is:

    // Hex decode symmetric key:

    HexDecoder decoder;

    decoder.Put( (byte *)SERIAL,32*2 ); // This is why I need SERIAL
to be wrapped in "


    word64 size = decoder.MaxRetrievable();

    char *decodedKey = new char[size];

    decoder.Get((byte *)decodedKey, size);

    // Generate Cipher, Key, and CBC

    byte key[ AES::MAX_KEYLENGTH ], iv[ AES::BLOCKSIZE ];

    StringSource( reinterpret_cast<const char *>(decodedKey), true,

                  new HashFilter(*(new SHA256), new ArraySink(key,

    // ....
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