[Interest] Multi language/font display in qt4

Till Oliver Knoll till.oliver.knoll at gmail.com
Sun Jan 26 16:02:41 CET 2014

Am 26.01.2014 um 14:04 schrieb Simone <cjb.sw.nospam at gmail.com>:

> One thing, i saw that exactly the same application i can run on windows and see also chinese fonts (with dejavu sans as application font). On my embedded target with the same font chinese chars are not displayed (i can see an empty white square).

When you say "the same font" are we really talking about "exactly the same TrueType font file (which is really accessible to your application), as copied from Windows desktop to your embedded device?

Or are you merely requesting the same font family? E.g. with

  QFont font = QFont("DejaVu Sans");

Because in the later case it is not guaranteed that the underlying font system really gives you exactly the same "physical" dejavusans.ttf (?) font file (or whatever font format "DejaVu Sand" is provided in) on both systems. It might not even exist as such, and the font engine gives you a "similar font of the same family".

And even so, the embedded flavour of the "dejavusans.ttf" might not support the same Unicode range as its cousin on the Windows desktop - unless off course we are really talking about the first case above.

In case the first case applies, maybe you need to enable "Unicode font rendering" somewhere? Do you have a "font inspector" program which lets you list and display all installed fonts on the embedded device?

Sorry, just shooting in the dark here...


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