[Interest] QSqlQuery
Igor Mironchik
igor.mironchik at gmail.com
Sun Jan 26 21:22:31 CET 2014
> Hi Igor,
> On 26-Jan-14 4:29 PM, Igor Mironchik wrote:
>> I have some questions about database support in Qt 5.
>> First of all, is it safe to transfer a QSqlQuery instance from one
>> thread to another to process him in another thread. I.e. I want to
>> execute SELECT query on "DB" thread and return a QSqlQuery from that
>> thread to the GUI thread, where I will navigate and show users the
>> result of the query.
> Hmm, why do you want to return the Query to the GUI thread? Update the
> Model from the thread executing the Query and let QT take care of the GUI.
The question is opened still. The simplest QSqlQueryModel stores
QSqlQuery and work with it.
QVariant QSqlQueryModel::data(const QModelIndex &item, int role) const
Q_D(const QSqlQueryModel);
if (!item.isValid())
return QVariant();
QVariant v;
if (role & ~(Qt::DisplayRole | Qt::EditRole))
return v;
if (!d->rec.isGenerated(item.column()))
return v;
QModelIndex dItem = indexInQuery(item);
if (dItem.row() > d->bottom.row())
const_cast<QSqlQueryModelPrivate *>(d)->prefetch(dItem.row());
if (!d->query.seek(dItem.row())) {
d->error = d->query.lastError();
return v;
return d->query.value(dItem.column());
And my question: is it safe to use QSqlQuery, not QSqlDatabase in
another thread?
Best Regards,
Igor Mironchik.
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