[Interest] qml display question

Nancy Zou Nancy.Zou at csr.com
Tue Jun 24 09:58:20 CEST 2014

-----Original Message-----
From: Rutledge Shawn [mailto:Shawn.Rutledge at digia.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 3:51 PM
To: Nancy Zou
Cc: Interest at qt-project.org
Subject: Re: [Interest] qml display question

On 24 Jun 2014, at 09:36, Nancy Zou <Nancy.Zou at csr.com> wrote:

> Dear All
> My display resolution is 800*480,

>Sounds like you are on Android or on some sort of embedded system?  So probably the reason is that you cannot have multiple windows: the whole application must be full-screen by design.  Of course you can have a 
> red rectangle inside a black one if that's what you want.

Yes, I am on the linux embedded system.
 I want to know where is the code to control the full screen. Is the code  "glViewport(r.x(), deviceRect().bottom() - r.bottom(), r.width(), r.height());"  in scene graph or other codes?
I want to check the code to know the whole story about the qml display.

> I write a qml like that:
> import QtQuick 2.0
> Rectangle {
> width:300
> height: 200
> color: "red"
> }
> Why it show the whole screen red color.
> I think it may be caused by window size.  Is it right?
> How does qquick scene graph display qml contents to screen?

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