[Interest] Row(Layout), use spacing as resize handle. How to do that?
Mark Gaiser
markg85 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 13:10:21 CET 2014
On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 12:53 PM, Saether Jan-Arve
<Jan-Arve.Saether at digia.com> wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Mark Gaiser [mailto:markg85 at gmail.com]
>> Now i've actually tested the SplitView :) And it behaves differently
>> compared to RowLayout. In a bad way.
>> In a row layout something like:
>> RowLayout {
>> anchord.fill: parent
>> Rectangle {
>> Layout.fillWidth: true
>> Layout.fillHeight: true
>> color: "red"
>> }
>> Rectangle {
>> Layout.fillWidth: true
>> Layout.fillHeight: true
>> color: "green"
>> }
>> }
>> results in red and green being evenly distributed. In a SplitView that
>> is not the case. There the first rectangle (the red one) is getting all
>> the space. Green is on the right and all you see is the splitter to
>> "drag it in". Just change "RowLayout" to "SplitView" and you will see
>> what i mean.
>> Bug report time?
> No, this is not a bug. This was a design decision for SplitView.
> Note that, the only thing that is shared between SplitView and RowLayout is the "Layout" attached property. Its distribution policy is completely different.
I was afraid you would say that.
Is there a reason for it? Since it "feels" inconsistent when comparing
to RowLayout.
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