[Interest] qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.2.1.zip broken?
Guido Seifert
wargand at gmx.de
Mon Mar 24 15:48:04 CET 2014
Sorry, from time to time it happens that I just press 'reply' when it actually should go to the list.
Here the missing answer for all. Sorry
> I could run your setup (with mingw) just fine. Note that you pass -no-angle here, and the
> error comes from a ANGLE Makefile, so it looks that you're working with a non-pristine build directory here.
Would it make a difference when I assure you that I have pristine build directory? Probably not. :-)
But what else would I do, but unzip it, cd into it, execute configure.bat and then mingw32-make?
I tried it several times. With different config settings. Same result: -prefix %CD%\qtbase works. -prefix <something else>
And I have seen that it is an ANGLE Makefile. This surprised me for two reasons:
1. My config contains -opengl desktop and -no-angle. The list after configure confirmed: angle: no.
2. The very first time I tried to compile Qt 5.2.1 I did not even have the DirectX SDK installed.
So no idea why the ANGLE makefile is touched at all.
But because of that I installed the SDL and tried an ANGLE build.... again: -prefix %CD%\qtbase works.
-prefix <something else> don't.
> As Thiago pointed out, it's indeed uncommon to use 'install' on Windows. That's mainly because
> you're bundling Qt with your application anyway, and for development you can just work with the non-installed build tree.
Yes. It is not really necessary. But things like that bother me. Who knows if this problem is not only the tip of
an iceberg? Since no once can reproduce this, I am now even more nervous. Something seems to be wrong with my
system and I have no idea what it could be.
This is the first time that I used a source zip. Before that I always built from git and never had any problems.
Perhaps I should go back to this habit.
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