[Interest] QT Installer framework - Customize Pages

Karsten Heimrich karsten.heimrich at digia.com
Tue Mar 25 11:22:16 CET 2014


On 13.03.2014 14:50, Sandeep wrote:
> Regarding Question 1: I am basically trying to achieve the "Classic 
> Style" of the wizard as shown in the link 
> http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qwizard.html#WizardOption-enum.

right now that's more or less impossible, though a user provided a patch 
to set the wizard style. This patch made it into the master branch last 
year, so if you build your own IFW you should be able to set the style 
using the config.xml like this:


-- Karsten
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