[Interest] efficient drawing advice

Till Oliver Knoll till.oliver.knoll at gmail.com
Wed Mar 26 14:40:15 CET 2014

Am 26.03.2014 um 13:32 schrieb Rayner Pupo <rpgomez at uci.cu>:

> maybe using shaders you can boost you representation

In modern OpenGL (read: anything >= OpenGL 3) "shaders" are not an "optional thing to boost performance", they are a necessity to "get things going" in the first place ;)

So your advise must read: "Using OpenGL will boost your performance"


However as others have already pointed out "with the usual tricks" (Clever Clipping(tm), Level of Detail, ...) today's CPUs should also be able to render lines with several thousands of segments...

Hasta luego,

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