[Interest] QML Linux taskbar

Damian Ivanov damianatorrpm at gmail.com
Mon Mar 31 16:58:23 CEST 2014


Since there was no plugin for that, I made one. It uses
libkwindowsystem only as dependency, so it depends on one standalone
library (and this supports X11 and wayland).


Things you can do with it would be a GridView/ListView of all open
applications it gives back the window id's as QStringList so it can be
used as modelData and in the delegate you can give them their "real"
names and icons etc.

Please note this is pre-alpha quality (I skipped doing hello world, so
this is my 1st c++ stuff). It works now and I already have a
standalone panel made in QML including application launcher,
icontasks, classic taskmanager and clock.

I hope it will improve over time as my C does.


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