[Interest] BUG? QTimer in QThread
Mandeep Sandhu
mandeepsandhu.chd at gmail.com
Tue May 13 13:48:25 CEST 2014
Without seeing the full code I can't comment on what the problem might be.
However I quickly wrote a small test app which essentially does
whatever you've mentioned. It works fine on my Ubuntu setup with both
Qt5 (5.2.0) and Qt4 (4.8.6).
Have a look at the code and see if there's anything different.
On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 4:54 PM, Sensei <senseiwa at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am reporting this weird behavior because I believe it could be a
> potential bug: my code is too simple to have an unexpected behavior.
> Anyway *BEWARE*: I might be making a huge mistake in my code that I
> don't see! Please forgive me if I am wrong! :)
> So, here I go.
> I have a class that I move to a thread. Each X millisecond, I need to
> run a method, and this is done with a QThread. However, it wasn't
> working and I didn't know why. The slot wasn't called by the timeout()
> connection.
> After one day, I decided the only possible culprit could be the thread,
> and... AHA! It works!
> Now, can anyone spot my mistake? I assume it's my fault, and not Qt's
> since they saved me so many times! :)
> The class is created this way in my QMainWindow:
> inThreadThread_ = new QThread(this);
> inThread_ = new myClass();
> inThread_->moveToThread(inThreadThread_);
> And the class is as follows:
> class myClass : public QObject
> {
> // ...
> public slots:
> void dummy() { qWarning("timer in thread"); };
> // ...
> private:
> QTimer *inThread_;
> }
> myClass::myClass() : QObject(NULL)
> {
> // ...
> inThread_ = new QTimer(this);
> connect(inThread_, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(dummy()));
> inThread_->start(1000);
> }
> Note that if I comment the thread-related parts in the main window, and
> I just create a new object, the dummy slot is called without a hiccup.
> When uncommenting the new QThread and the moveToThread lines, no timed
> slot execution.
> For complete information, I am using Qt 4.8.6 (from Homebrew) on a MacOS
> X 10.9.2.
> What am I doing wrong in my code?
> Thanks!
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