[Interest] a few questions about QML Components

ElderOrb elderorb at gmail.com
Tue May 20 22:07:33 CEST 2014

>> 1. I couldn't find any API allowing to adjust widths of columns in  
>> TableView based on the content. Do I understand right that the only way  
>> to achieve this is to go through all the entries in model manually and  
>> calculate maximum width using 'paintedWidth' of Text element? Does the  
>> better way exist? For future would be really nice to have some property  
>> like 'autoAdjustColumns’.
> QtQuick.Controls 1.2 (Qt 5.3) introduces  
> TableView::resizeColumnsToContens() and  
> TableViewColumn::resizeToContents().

Cool, thank you!

>> 2. I couldn't find API for adjusting width of Combobox based on the  
>> content. Again, what is the best way for doing this manually?
> Sounds like we need something similar for ComboBox. Please open a JIRA  
> ticket: https://bugreports.qt-project.org

Done. https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-39087
Any hints on the easiest way to workaround the issue?

>> 3. Combobox's auto-complete doesn't seem to be working on android (Qt  
>> 5.3RC). How can I 'subclass'/ extend QML Combobox to add missing logic?
> I’m afraid currently there’s no way to extend the auto-completion logic  
> that is hidden inside the control implementation. I suspect  
> auto-completion doesn’t work on mobile, because ComboBox is probably not  
> getting normal key events, but it should handle pre-edit text somehow.  
> This is something we need to investigate, and worth reporting a bug so  
> it doesn’t get forgotten. :)

Ok, clear. https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-39088

>> 4. In general QML Components doesn't look very good on android. Is  
>> there any styles/themes available allowing to simulate android's  
>> look&feel for QML components?
> I don’t have much to share at the moment, but I can tell that we have  
> started working on an Android style:  
> https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-35081

Oh, ok. Do you know when it is planned to release this?

Regards, Alexander

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