[Interest] terrible font rendering with QtQuick

bane yue baneyue at gmail.com
Thu May 29 06:51:45 CEST 2014

Yes it's a QtQuick2 app, on my develop machine it works well, but when
deploying to other
computer, it performs bad on *some* windows7 and *almost all* windows xp,
after the
`distance field` disabled, all windows7 works as excepted, but windows xp
still does not.

I tried openGL version, I also tried ANGLE which i think is the DirectX
version, but later
i just find out that "Windows XP and ANGLE is not a supported combination.

On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 12:36 PM, Ian Monroe <ian at monroe.nu> wrote:

> On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 8:05 PM, baneyue at gmail.com <baneyue at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >     I  was working on a QtQuick application which will run on $MS
> windows.
> > My app
> > is *almost* done and  everything was fine until yesterday after i
> decided to
> > deploy it
> > to other PC for testing.
> >
> >     The problem is the font render, it's really bad on 3 windows XP and 1
> > windows 7,
> > it looks exactly the same with this one:
> So it looks like this with one Windows 7 machine?
> This is a QtQuick2 app? Are you using the DirectX 9 or OpenGL version of
> Qt?
> With the latter you could try using the Mesa software renderer version
> of opengl32.dll.
> https://qt-project.org/wiki/Cross-compiling-Mesa-for-Windows
> Ian
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