[Interest] Loader QML Transitions

rpzrpzrpz at gmail.com rpzrpzrpz at gmail.com
Thu Nov 6 15:16:01 CET 2014

Does anybody have a comment about the Loader QML component.

I would like to support a IOS like Segue where the current QML file has
a graphic transition to another QML file

When I set the source of a loader component, obviously it dumps the
current QML OpenGL objects and loads the new QML objects.

But is there a way to define a transition between the QML source so that
the appearance of an IOS Segue when the entire screen flies away and
rolls away.

Loader QML Snippet:

import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Windows 2.1

Window {

	id: topwindow
	visible: true

	width: Screen.width
	height: Screen.height
	color: "black"
	title: "test"

		id: genload
		anchors.fill: parent
		source: "startup.qml"
	function setsource(srcqml)
		genload.source = srcqml


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