[Interest] QQmlApplicationEngine's rootObject() returns 0 objects count when trying to import of JavaScript file from Remote Server

Alejandro Exojo suy at badopi.org
Thu Nov 13 15:55:32 CET 2014

El Thursday 13 November 2014, ashish dabhade escribió:
> Now keeping everything the same and just commenting the import line
> properly shows objects count as 1.
> Also importing the javascript file locally also succeeds.
> Is this a known issue ?

Did you check the docs? :-)

From QQmlApplicationEngine::load:

"The object tree defined by the file is created immediately for local file urls. 
Remote urls are loaded asynchronously, listen to the objectCreated signal to 
determine when the object tree is ready."

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2
http://barnacity.net/ | http://disperso.net

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