[Interest] Qt5 and "global" configuration

Stanislav Baiduzhyi sbaiduzh at redhat.com
Fri Nov 14 13:04:01 CET 2014

On Thursday 13 November 2014 20:12:46 René J.V. Bertin wrote:
> > solve the majority of issues:
> ... fontconfig ... XDG
> > That's all that needed to make Qt5 look bearable on
> > unconfigured/unsupported desktop.
> There you go ... Linux is the new MS Windows? :)
> Fontconfig is present on OS X but I highly doubt it is used by Qt (if it's
> like freetype, it's linked in, for unclear reasons). XDG does not exist on
> OS X. I'd guess that neither are present on a typical MS Windows set-up.

I cannot understand your point. You can suggest your solution what will be 
Mac-specific and will be a good compromise between configurability and not 
needing qtconfig, I do not have Qt apps on mac so I do not see any issues with 
them, I will not be able to help you with your arguments in this case.

What I'm talking about is that Qt5 has configurability regression in 
comparison to Qt4, but I have no warm feeling for qtconfig, and if upstream 
developers do not want it - there should be another way to fix it, that will 
provide good compromise for both parties.


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