[Interest] [OS X/MacPorts] parallel qt4 and qt5 installs

Thiago Macieira thiago.macieira at intel.com
Fri Nov 14 18:14:47 CET 2014

On Friday 14 November 2014 16:52:09 René J.V. Bertin wrote:
> Hi,
> My main work environment is under OS X, based on MacPorts. It is currently
> not possible with that framework to have Qt4 and Qt5 installed in parallel;
> it's one or the other, installed into ${prefix} (usually /opt/local).
> I don't know why the Qt4/5 port maintainer didn't set things up from the
> get-go to allow parallel installations, so I'd like to make a start with
> enabling that, at least for Qt4 and probably "simply" using qtchooser as is
> also done under Linux.

In framework builds of OS X, Qt 4 and Qt 5 are not co-installable, since they 
claim the same names like QtCore.framework. We decided early on in the Qt 5.0 
cycle that we wouldn't fix this, as most of OS X development had moved on to 
having separate project roots for everything and applications bundled the 
frameworks they needed.

Therefore, you need to install them in separate prefixes.

> I haven't found a lot of information about qtchooser, so I'm hoping I can
> get some advice on here on how best to proceed. If in anyway possible, I'd
> like to do this in a way that doesn't force me to rebuild all my Qt4 (and
> KDE4) applications at once. I suppose that would oblige me to put symlinks
> from the current shared libraries' install locations in ${prefix} to
> wherever I decide to put the new version - can that be automated? I also
> presume that one cannot have that kind of symlinks for both Qt4 and Qt5, or
> can the library files actually live together in the same directory
> (regardless of whether they're frameworks or ".dylibs")?

qtchooser will help you. Your $PATH should contain only qtchooser, like so:

$ ls -l =qmake =moc =designer
lrwxrwxrwx 1 thiago users 9 Mai  1  2014 /home/thiago/bin/designer -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 thiago users 9 Mai  1  2014 /home/thiago/bin/moc -> qtchooser
lrwxrwxrwx 1 thiago users 9 Mai  1  2014 /home/thiago/bin/qmake -> qtchooser

But it does not help for the libraries. It will only help the executables. 
Then qmake takes over and uses the right paths to the libraries when linking.

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

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