[Interest] QML Loader sourceComponent Dynamic selection (not source property)

mark diener rpzrpzrpz at gmail.com
Mon Nov 17 04:18:27 CET 2014


A couple months back you gave an intelligent answer from a interest list
query about
creating complex list views.

I was a little tied up with things and could not get around to actually
create a working example of a complex list view.  Now is that time.

Maybe you could get me past some implementation uncertainties

Attached below is a copy of the original message.

I am having trouble defining a loader that does not need a separate QML
file for its definition, but a javascript function that is away of which
row index of the model it is currently drawing and can pass that to a
javacript function that will return a Component value directly instead of a
reference to an QML file.

I have included a small snippet QML file below:

ListModel {

 id: glistdata


   type: 1

   name : "Joe Perra"

   cell: "555-1212"

   eyes: "blue"

   mood: "sad"




    type: 2

    name : "Mary Tyler"

    cell: "555-1213"

    eyes: "brown"

    mood: "happy"




    type: 3

    name : "Peter Gabriel"

    cell: "555-1214"

    eyes: "blue"

    mood: "bitter"



Component {
  id: gflavorone
        text: 'Name:' + name
        text: 'Mood:' + mood

Component {
  id: gflavortwo
        text: 'Name:' + name
        text: 'Eyes:' + eyes

Component {
  id: gflavorthree
        text: 'Name:' + name
        text: 'cell:' + cell

Loader {
  id: gloader

  function getComp(gidx)
    switch (gidx)
     case 1: return gflavorone
     case 2: return gflavortwo
    //Default case
    return gflavorthree
 sourceComponent: getComp(index)

ListView {
        id: glistview
        anchors.margins: 0
        anchors.fill: parent
        delegate: gloader
        model: glistdata


Maybe you or anybody else has some ideas on how to specifically code the
 Loader written to
a dynamic Component instead of referring to an external QML file to
generate the Component value.

And on top of that, how does the loader getComp( ) function access the
index of the row or maybe it must just only refer to the model fields

So yes, I would like the Loader to intelligently select the sourceComponent
using a dynamic function attached to the loader.

This is an area that needs maybe a long experience QT veteran  to comment
on this.



> Subject: [Interest] Qt Quick 2.x Complex ListView
> Hello QTers:

> Does anybody have an idea on how to create each row of the listview with
a delegate that allows for each row > to be rendered with separate logic
instead of the standard delegate which renders each row with the same or >
very similar logic.

> Any comments or tips would be useful and I am sure more people would like
this option

Not sure if it covers what you need, but I believe the common way to
solve this is through using a Loader element as the delegate and
changing the source depending on your criteria for which row delegate to
use on the fly.

ListView {
        id: example
        delegate: Loader {
                function getDelegate() { ... }
                source: getDelegate()

Use the getDelegate() function to return the url for the delegate to use.

You can use a similar trick inside the delegate item itself instead (or
in addition) if you create separate elements for the different type of
columns that you need to render, then you can use a Row with Loaders for

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