[Interest] Best model type for shared data between C++ and QML, as well as insertion and removal on both sides.

Nuno Santos nunosantos at imaginando.pt
Fri Nov 21 12:26:10 CET 2014

I see now.

That was might biggest confusion. I was around documentation and examples back and forth to see if I could find something.




> On 21 Nov 2014, at 01:13, Ian Monroe <ian at monroe.nu> wrote:
> There's nothing really magical about QAbstractItemModel in QML. They don't turn into ListModel's, they are still plain QAbstractItemModel that have the methods in C++. Their only superpower is that QML ListView can use it as a model.
> Just add whatever methods make sense to QAbstractItemModel to insert and edit the data and call them from QML.

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