[Interest] [OS X] qmake - "Could not resolve SDK path for 'macosx10.8'"

Till Oliver Knoll till.oliver.knoll at gmail.com
Thu Oct 2 20:44:21 CEST 2014

Am 02.10.14 20:19, schrieb Keith Gardner:
> ...
>     "Could not resolve SDK path for 'macosx10.8'"
> I set the qmake variable QMAKE_MAC_SDK to "macosx10.10". This fixed the
> problem with XCode 6.* for me.

Yes, thank you so much, that solved it indeed!

For the record, I have now the following entries in my "Common.pri" file
(which is include in every other relevant *.pro file):

macx {
  # Build against latest platform SDK, deployable on OS X 10.8
  QMAKE_MAC_SDK = macosx10.9

I set the SDK to 10.9 in my case, since I am still on OS X 10.9 - I
assume you are already on 10.10 Yosemite, with a 10.10 SDK available.

And while I was at it, I also toyed around with
QMAKE_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET by setting it to 10.8 (just to see what
would happen in the compile steps). I then indeed get:

  /Applications/Xcode.app/.../usr/bin/clang++ [...]
-mmacosx-version-min=10.8 [...] Foo.cpp

(without setting QMAKE_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET the default value of Qt
5.3 seems to be 10.7 "Lion").

Not sure whether setting QMAKE_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET explicitly in my
own *.pro files would make any sense anyway, unless I would directly
interface with the Cocoa API myself, since Qt itself (the stock binary
download) is targeted at 10.7 itself anyway... . So if one really wanted
to restrict deployment to 10.8 then one would probably have to compile
Qt itself, I guess. Anyway, not that important for me, and the default
10.7 is just fine.

But it really seems that for the time being one really has to set the
QMAKE_MAC_SDK now with Xcode 6 (or somehow get hold of an older SDK and
install it - however I am not yet subscribed with the Apple Developer
Program, so I don't have official access to such SDKs, in case they
actually are available to Apple Developer Program members) in the *.pro
file. Unless the upcoming Qt 5.4 was build against that SDK, too (and at
time we would already have OS X 10.10 available ;)).

Cheers, Oliver

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