[Interest] [Announcement] StateMachineViewer

Peter Kümmel syntheticpp at gmx.net
Sat Oct 4 13:40:25 CEST 2014

I've created a stand alone class to visualize QStateMachine states.
It's based on GammaRay's state machine plugin, and has graphviz integrated to simplify building (especially on Windows):


Usage is very simple:

StateMachineViewer is designed to be linked into an existing application.

Projects using CMake should add this project with 'add_subdirectory()' and link against 'statemachineviewer'.

Example code:

#include "statemachineviewer.h"

StateMachineViewer* showStateMachine(QStateMachine* machine)
     StateMachineViewer* smv = new StateMachineViewer();
     return smv;

Attached a saved state chart from the trafficlight example.


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