[Interest] Crash in QSerialPort when closing?

Murphy, Sean smurphy at walbro.com
Wed Oct 29 20:14:18 CET 2014

> Your version of QtSerialPort is too very old (according to call-stack). 
> Please update to latest (e.g. to 5.3.2/5.3.3).

I'll try to upgrade then.  If that's all it is, that'd be great!

>> I’m getting a weird issue where I can repeatedly cause a crash to happen in QSerialPort if I attempt to close the 
>> serial port when I’m in a slot connected to the readyRead() signal, and I’m just wondering if I’m doing something 
>> weird.
>> I’ve got a class that inherits from QSerialPort.  I instantiate this object in the UI thread but immediately move it to a 
>> separate thread.  This object has a slot, disconnectFromDevice(), that sends a reset command to the serial device. 
>> So the way I intended the software to work is the user clicks the disconnect button in the UI thread, which sends a
>>  signal to the serial port object.  That object sends the reset command to the serial device and the serial device
>>  responds with an acknowledge response.  The acknowledge response triggers the QSerialPort::readyRead() signal, 
>>  which triggers my readyRead() slot.  I parse the acknowledge, then emit a signal back to the UI thread letting the
>>  UI know that the disconnect was successful, and then call QSerialPort::close() in the serial port object (still inside of 
>> my readyRead() slot).  
>> When I execute setup in a debug build, at this point the application crashes with a SIGSEV.  For some reason it kicks
>>  me into the disassembler instead of breaking in my code.  If I comment out the close() call, the segfault doesn’t 
>> happen. 
>> Below is what’s shown in the call stack, but since none of my code is shown in the call stack, I don’t know if I’m
>>  crashing on the close() call itself, or if I crash sometime later because I’m doing something when the port isn’t 
>> open.  If I set a breakpoint anywhere in my readyRead() slot the crash DOESN’T occur.  I only know that removing 
>> the close() call removes the crash. 
>> Any ideas?  Specifically, why am I not seeing any of my calls in the call stack?
>> Sean
>> 0              ReadOverlappedCompletionNotifier::processCompletionRoutine            qserialport_win.cpp       188         0x6704e8ed
>> 1              AbstractOverlappedEventNotifier::event             qserialport_win.cpp       119         
>> 2              QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper         qapplication.cpp               3467       0xa9ede0f
>> 3              QApplication::notify       qapplication.cpp               2888       0xa9eb72b          
>> 4              QCoreApplication::notifyInternal              qcoreapplication.cpp      878         0x6b91b572
>> 5              QCoreApplication::sendEvent    qcoreapplication.h          232         0x6b9bee2b       
>> 6              QEventDispatcherWin32Private::activateEventNotifier  qeventdispatcher_win.cpp         335         0x6b9646e8
>> 7              QEventDispatcherWin32::processEvents               qeventdispatcher_win.cpp         759         
>> 8              QEventLoop::processEvents       qeventloop.cpp                136         
>> 9              QEventLoop::exec           qeventloop.cpp                212         
>> 10           QThread::exec  qthread.cpp       509         
>> 11           QThread::run     qthread.cpp       576         
>> 12           QThreadPrivate::start    qthread_win.cpp             347         
>> 13           msvcrt!_itow_s                C:\windows\syswow64\msvcrt.dll                           
>> 14           msvcrt!_endthreadex   C:\windows\syswow64\msvcrt.dll                           
>> 15           KERNEL32!BaseCleanupAppcompatCacheSupport            C:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll                       0x7594338a
>> 16           ??                                           
>> 17           ntdll!RtlpNtSetValueKey              C:\windows\system32\ntdll.dll                 
>> 18           ??                                           
>> 19           ntdll!RtlpNtSetValueKey              C:\windows\system32\ntdll.dll                 
>> 20           msvcrt!_endthreadex   C:\windows\syswow64\msvcrt.dll                           
>> 21           ??           

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