[Interest] Question about using QtDBus

Rogers Nate nate.rogers at raymondcorp.com
Tue Sep 2 20:53:59 CEST 2014

On 09/02/2014 02:48 PM, Thiago Macieira wrote:
> On Tuesday 02 September 2014 17:31:28 Rogers Nate wrote:
>> If you're using code generation with gdbusxml2cpp, you'll need to pass the
>> -i ServiceData.h option to the generator so it will add the #include.
>> I am using qmake, I usually use...
>> qdbuscpp2xml -A ServiceData.h -o ServiceData.xml
>> to make my xml file from my cpp file (I had to enter in the entry for my
>> custom type manually) and then Qt automatically makes my other cpp files
>> when I build.  Here are the contents of my .pro files...
> Pass the -i option.

That option doesn't seem to be available to me, or am I not calling it
correctly?  I tried a few different ways...

nrogers at nrogers-Precision-T1500:/media/nrogers/data/dev/projects/dbustest/DataProcess$
qdbuscpp2xml -A -i ServiceData.h -o ServiceData.xml
unknown option: "-i"
nrogers at nrogers-Precision-T1500:/media/nrogers/data/dev/projects/dbustest/DataProcess$
qdbuscpp2xml -A ServiceData.h -o ServiceData.xml -i
unknown option: "-i"
nrogers at nrogers-Precision-T1500:/media/nrogers/data/dev/projects/dbustest/DataProcess$
qdbuscpp2xml -i ServiceData.h -o ServiceData.xml
unknown option: "-i"
nrogers at nrogers-Precision-T1500:/media/nrogers/data/dev/projects/dbustest/DataProcess$
qdbuscpp2xml -V
qdbuscpp2xml version 0.1
D-Bus QObject-to-XML converter


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