[Interest] Weird issue: Debugger won't start when qInstallMsgHandler is used

Koehne Kai Kai.Koehne at digia.com
Fri Sep 5 08:20:51 CEST 2014

> Subject: Re: [Interest] Weird issue: Debugger won't start when  qInstallMsgHandler is used
> On Thursday 04 September 2014 11:57:33 Mike Nolan wrote:
>> I cannot understand why this is, however. Is this a bug in
>> QDeclarativeDebugServer or am I maybe breaking a rule about using
>> qInstallMsgHandler? I have a slightly better workaround (always printing
>> if the QML file hasn’t loaded yet) but I’d like to understand this better.
>It's a bug in QDeclarativeDebugServer that it relies on qDebug to communicate
>with Creator. Or it's a bug in Qt Creator that it expects a debugging message
>from QDeclarativeDebugServer.
>Please upgrade your Qt Creator first to 3.1 and then try again.

Let's call it a feature with side-effects :) 

The setup of the QML debugger is such that the application (debuggee) opens a port in a specific range, and blocks until the debugger connects there (that is, if the ",block" argument has been passed to "-qmljsdebugger=", which Qt Creator does).

Qt Creator again waits for a "QML: Waiting for connection on port..." line before it tries to connect to this port. Anyhow, if it doesn't get the message it should try to connect after 8 seconds in any case. But I just tried, and this indeed seems to not work currently. Please file a bug if you want to track this...



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