[Interest] Future of Qt with Ios

Karl Loveridge KLoveridge at eatsleepplay.biz
Fri Sep 12 14:26:18 CEST 2014

Our situation is we, are a commercial game company. We have written our own game engine in OpenGL that currently doesn't include Qt. It is written purely in C++. We use Xcode for the Ios and Eclipse for the Android.

So here comes Apple with this new tech, Metal. We were invited to Apple to sit down with their engineers and implement Metal in our engine--which we did. It took about 2 weeks to do. And it is way faster.

So I'm right in the middle of building a new engine based on Qt. The hope was/is that Qt can serve as a nice layer away from the device specifics. So our team can work together in one central project with one IDE.

My request as an end user is for Qt, at the very least, to make it easy for us to set up a Widget based on either OpenGL or Metal. We can deal with writing the specifics for Metal. Just food for thought.
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