[Interest] Do not generate files if exists or doesn't modified...
Igor Mironchik
igor.mironchik at gmail.com
Mon Sep 22 10:37:29 CEST 2014
In one project I use Google’s ProtoBuf for network messages. And in .pro file I have the next lines:
PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$PWD/messages.pb.cc $$PWD/messages.pb.h
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += protobufc protobufhprotobufc.target = $$PWD/messages.pb.ccprotobufc.depends = FORCEprotobufc.commands = protoc --proto_path=$$PWD --cpp_out=$$PWD $$PWD/messages.protoprotobufh.target = $$PWD/messages.pb.hprotobufh.depends = protobufcHEADERS += $$PWD/messages.pb.hSOURCES += $$PWD/messages.pb.cc But every time when I compile project this files generates and recompilation occurs. How can I do that this files will generates only if they are not exists or if .proto file was modified? Is it possible with qmake? Thanks.
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