[Interest] Bluetooth example (btchat) not working on linux

Blasche Alexander Alexander.Blasche at digia.com
Mon Sep 22 11:13:43 CEST 2014

Thank you for the data. The issue is that Qt 5.3.x does not support Bluez 5 yet. You have to use Qt 5.4 which added Bluez5 support.

Your Bluez output looks as expected and at least the current issue should not be one in 5.4. 


From: interest-bounces+alexander.blasche=digia.com at qt-project.org [interest-bounces+alexander.blasche=digia.com at qt-project.org] on behalf of Andreas Ortmann [ortmann at finf.uni-hannover.de]
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 10:44
To: interest at qt-project.org
Subject: Re: [Interest] Bluetooth example (btchat) not working on linux

I'm using Qt5.3 on 64 bit linux installed with the online installer
package qt-opensource-linux-x64-1.6.0-4-online.run.

The output of querying for Bluez5 is attached.


On 09/22/14 09:50, Blasche Alexander wrote:
> Based on your description the following call fails:
> QBluetoothLocalDevice device(QBluetoothAddress());
> It is supposed to find the local default adapter but it fails. I have a couple of questions:
> What Bluez version do you use?
> What version of Qt are you using?
> If you use Bluez 4 please send me the output of the following command:
> dbus-send --system --dest=org.bluez --print-reply / org.bluez.Manager.DefaultAdapter
> If you have Bluez5 please send me the output of:
> dbus-send --system --dest=org.bluez --print-reply / org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager.GetManagedObjects
> Note that the Bluez5 command will produce somewhat longer output.
> --
> Alex
> ________________________________________
> From: interest-bounces+alexander.blasche=digia.com at qt-project.org [interest-bounces+alexander.blasche=digia.com at qt-project.org] on behalf of Andreas Ortmann [ortmann at finf.uni-hannover.de]
> Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2014 22:57
> To: interest at qt-project.org
> Subject: [Interest] Bluetooth example (btchat) not working on linux
> Hi,
> I cannot get this example code working running under linux with Qt 5.3.
> http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qtbluetooth-btchat-example.html
> Captured debug output when running on the Desktop:
> starting
> /home/andi/ims/sensor-fusion/bt/build-btchat-Desktop-Debug/btchat...
> qt.bluetooth.bluez: Device does not support Bluetooth or
> "00:00:00:00:00:00" is not a valid local adapter
> Cannot bind chat server to "00:00:00:00:00:00"
> If I cross-compile it for android, start it on the android device and
> run "rfcomm connect hci0 XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX 5" on a terminal on the linux
> desktop, I can communicate with the app running on android by
> reading/writing to the file descriptor /dev/rfcomm0.
> Can someone given me some hint what could be the problem?
> With best regards,
> Andreas
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