[Interest] QTreeView expand/expandAll performance

William Hallatt goblincoding at gmail.com
Sat Sep 27 07:14:23 CEST 2014

@William - there is no real noticeable difference between Debug and Release
modes and I haven't been able to extract anything of real use from the
profiler either (perhaps this is lack of experience on my part, I added a
screenshot of the the output here:
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8vc1s29wvmvpp07/AAChJVKhjUuXJy9dxjlT6ErRa?dl=0  )

@Paul - I am using my own styled delegate, will have a look at that, thanks
for the idea!

@Marian - will have a look into these as well and revise data()

Thanks for all the pointers!
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