[Interest] Catching WM_HOTKEY events

Pat Flegit pflegit at gmail.com
Tue Sep 30 01:53:23 CEST 2014

Hi, first I should specify that I’m using PySide on Windows. I’m rigging
together a custom global hotkey solution (there aren’t many existing
libraries that have support for global hotkeys) on Win32, which is pretty
easy to do. I already have it so that Windows sends my application a
standard WM_HOTKEY event (message ID=786). I’ve tried a few ways of
catching this event. The first way, which actually worked when using PyQt4,
was using QAbstractEventDispatcher with setEventFilter, as exemplified
http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/pipermail/pyqt/2011-March/029449.html .
When message.message is 786, access message.wParam to get the details of
which global hotkey was pressed. Success!

However, PySide for some reason does not have a setEventFilter function, so
I went looking for other solutions. Installing an event filter on my main
window failed, it never gets any messages at all at the point in time at
which I press the hotkey (although it does get messages when any
non-global-hotkey keys are pressed).

I also failed to create a custom event loop. I can create a loop to call
app.processEvents() instead of using app.exec() directly, but what I really
need is an infinite loop to catch Win32 events using GetMessage(), which
doesn’t really work with my existing loop.

Right now, I’m out of ideas. If only PySide had setEventFilter support…
What do you think? Is there some way to catch the WM_HOTKEY event?
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