[Interest] First timer iOS woes

Harri Pasanen harri at mpaja.com
Thu Apr 2 17:06:49 CEST 2015

There was some Qt forum post that collected helpful tips, but now the 
qt-project.org seems down?



has the info for splash screen, icons etc.

Hope this helps,


On 02/04/2015 15:55, Jason H wrote:
> So we've been deploying to android a while now. Yesterday was my first attempt at iOS. Below are my experiences and 2 unresolved issues:
> Details:
> - It's mostly a QML app (with one or two classes in C++ for use in QML)
> - It uses a camera, sqlite, and flash
> - Tested and deployed on several Android devices
> - Now targeting an iPhone 5 on iOS 8.2
> Getting Xcode setup was a pain because the instructions are out of date. XCode now as a Window > Devices, which is where the device is and nothing after the Window menu is applicable.
> For the longest time I beat my head on a wall trying to get my orange got to go green in QtCreator. XCode was compiling my bundle with a com.test.* id, which I could not figure how to change. Eventually I created a dummy project in XCode with the right bundle id (as defined in the apple developer center) and pushed that to the phone. And when that worked, the dot went green in Creator and I was able to deploy my application to the phone! :-)
> As for my project, in theory Qt promises it should just be a re-compile. Not quite.
> There was one issue in XCode relating to Xcode's C99 compatibility. These were minor: QString list[array.count()] was changed to a QStringList
> Images don't load, and there is no sqlite driver.  I haven't been able to get past that to test the camera stuff. But the rest of it looks ok so far. (The fonts, the automatic sizing)
> So those are my immediate issues:
> 1. Images don't load (we use jpg, png, svg)
> 2. and there is no sqlite driver (For the QML storage)
> Another issue is we get a blank screen with the project name in all lower case when starting the app on the phone. How can we customize that screen?
> What do I need to know to get those two issues fixed?
> Thanks.
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