[Interest] Camera.focus.focusZones.length is 0?

Jason H jhihn at gmx.com
Tue Apr 14 18:44:33 CEST 2015

I am trying to get more reliable (read: in-focus) images. It seems that Camera.searchAndLock() is not enough, for various reasons that I won't go into. I am approaching this problem from multiple angles. I now include accelerometer data to reduce motion blur (our subjects are still) and I went to make sure the camera thought it was in focus. I even copied the example (included below) from the docs which shows the focus rects, but none are shown. I'm using 

Camera {
  id: camera
  focus.focusMode: Camera.FocusContinuous
  focus.focusPointMode: Camera.FocusPointCenter

I would figure there would be at least one focus zone. So how can I tell if the camera thinks it is a focus?

// Example from docs
VideoOutput {
  anchors.fill: parent
  autoOrientation: true
  source: camera
  Repeater {
    model: camera.focus.focusZones
    Rectangle {
      border {
	width: 2
	color: status == Camera.FocusAreaFocused ? "green" : "white"
    color: "transparent"
			  // Map from the relative, normalized frame coordinates
    property variant mappedRect: viewfinder.mapNormalizedRectToItem(area);
    x: mappedRect.x
    y: mappedRect.y
    width: mappedRect.width
    height: mappedRect.height

Many thanks in advance!

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