[Interest] Survey: do you override QCoreApplication::notify? Why?

Björn Piltz bjornpiltz at gmail.com
Thu Apr 16 10:28:51 CEST 2015

To catch and abort.

2015-04-16 8:11 GMT+02:00 alexander golks <alex at golks.de>:

> hi,
> > As part of trying to design the solution, I'd like to know what people
> > override QCoreApplication::notify() for.
> we have 3rd party plugins - beside our own crude code, sometimes - called
> in threads and in q(core)application in various situations, which throw
> exceptions. errors, yes, but we have to deal with it.
> so 1)-3) are applied. normally we continue execution after catched
> exceptions.
> i am pretty sure, by redesigning our software we could remove this "use"
> cases, but this is work for years, thus no real option currently.
> > If you're doing #3, have you tried GammaRay? Is that notify() enabled for
> > production builds?
> this is definitly enabled in production code, too, as we have found
> plugins to behave different in debug and release. and i can't walk to our
> customers and run a gammaray session in production environment.
> 4) is used in gui thread, to filter events.
> i tried to use 4) and 5) to simulate events, for which i haven't found
> time yet to finish it successfully.
> > And additional question: do you need this for the main thread only, for
> > auxiliary threads only or for all threads?
> all.
> hope this helps abit.
> alex
> --
> /*
>  *  panic("Unable to find empty mailbox for aha1542.\n");
>  *          linux-2.2.16/drivers/scsi/aha1542.c
>  */
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