[Interest] Qt Creator 3.4.0 on Windows + clang: is this combination hopelessly broken?

Paul R. Potts paul at thepottshouse.org
Wed Apr 29 15:07:30 CEST 2015

I spent some time yesterday trying to get the simple demo Qt apps building
and running with clang. I would like to use clang because of its enhanced
error-reporting. I'm spoiled by my experience with XCode.

I got these demo apps working with minGW and the compiler from Visual
Studio 2013 in 32-bit and 64-bit forms, but I had no luck with clang.

I found some threads where folks were talking about building the Qt
library from source using Clang, but those were very old threads and
seemed to go unanswered, and I wasn't able to glean much that was useful.
I have clang 3.6.0 installed:

>clang --version
clang version 3.6.0 (tags/RELEASE_360/final)
Target: i686-pc-windows-gnu
Thread model: posix

Thanks for any assistance. A definitive "no, it's broken forever, because
XXX, or not expected to work until YYY," would be helpful too.

Paul R. Potts

Paul R. Potts - paul at thepottshouse.org - http://thepottshouse.org

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