[Interest] Where to does Qt expect to find ".qt-license" file when running on a Jenkins slave machine?

Richard Otter Richard_Otter at Bio-Rad.com
Mon Aug 3 19:01:43 CEST 2015

I encountered the same error in a similar environment-
Jenkins slave running on Windows OS.
The same machine had been working with qt5.5 for several days and then it 
started generating the error.
The license file was in the home folder of the account used by the Jenkins 

A reboot fixed it.
I noticed that the Application log had an error after the last successful 
run and before the first failure-
Windows cannot load the locally stored profile. Possible causes of this 
error include insufficient security rights or a corrupt local profile. 

So, it looks like there was at least a temporary problem having the service 
load it's user's profile (where the license lives)

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