[Interest] Qt .dlls size reduction

Rafael Machado rafaelrodrigues.machado at gmail.com
Fri Aug 7 15:38:39 CEST 2015

Hi Mike.

Yes. The other dll are not being used.

Em sex, 7 de ago de 2015 às 10:37, Mike Chinander <chinander at gmail.com>

> Are you including only the minimal set of Qt dlls needed for your
> application?
> On Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 8:31 AM, Rafael Machado <
> rafaelrodrigues.machado at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi everyone
>> This is my first question on this mail list, so sorry for possible
>> trivial questions.
>> I have task to reduce the size of an installer of an application from my
>> company.
>> What I checked is that the qt dlls that we use are kind of big, so my
>> idea was to try to reduce these dlls sizes.
>> To do it I have compiled qt removing several modules that we don't use.
>> Something like:
>> configure -release -confirm-license -opensource -nomake examples -nomake
>> tests -no-evdev -no-mtdev -no-inotify -no-system-proxies -no-fontconfig
>> -no-harfbuzz -no-plugin-manifests -no-ssl -no-openssl -no-dbus
>> -no-audio-backend -no-wmf-backend -no-qml-debug -no-directwrite
>> -no-direct2d -no-native-gestures -no-style-windows -no-style-windowsxp
>> -no-style-windowsvista -no-style-fusion -skip qt3d -skip qtactiveqt -skip
>> qtandroidextras -skip qtdoc -skip qtdocgallery -skip qtfeedback -skip
>> qtlocation -skip qtmacextras -skip qtmultimedia -skip qtrepotools -skip
>> qtscript -skip qtsensors -skip qtserialport -skip qtsvg -skip qttools -skip
>> qttranslations -skip qtwayland -skip qtwebengine -skip qtwebkit -skip
>> qtwebkit-examples -skip qtwinextras -skip qtx11extras
>> After doing this, the qtcore.dll was reduced from 4.928.000 bytes
>> to 4.617.728 bytes.
>> I have checked at the documentation, and there are some options to remove
>> some features from the packages. For example, in case, we don't need the
>> feature UDPSOCKET for example, so adding to the configuration command the
>> option -no-feature-UDPSOCKET should remove unneeded things. (Features found
>> at C:\cygwin\home\.............\qtbase\src\corelib\global\qfeatures.txt)
>> The problem is that the option to remove features seems to be available
>> just for linux-embedded and not for the windows version of qt.
>> Is my understanding correct ?
>> The last question. Is if is there any other option to try to reduce the
>> .dll sizes ?
>> Thanks for the help.
>> Thanks and Regards
>> Rafael R. Machado
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